zaterdag 28 februari 2015


NIET op Yupo!

5 opmerkingen:

  1. Supermooi en helder resultaat met de AI, Miek..
    Groetjes, Alie

  2. Prachtig, maar inderdaad waar dan wel op?

  3. Hello from Spain: I just discovered your blog and I love the variety of issues that you deal linked to education. At this point I am very interested these reflections so I created a blog dedicated to youth and their use of new technologies. I invite you to visit: If you want we kept in touch. I already made me a follower of your blog.

  4. Hi, i've just discovered your alcohol ink paintings and love them. I've just started working in this medium myself and would love to exchange ideas if that's ok with you. In case you'd like to have a look . Ruth
